
Please contact us to discuss an enrolment - we are always happy to help!

Class Placement

Admission to the school is made according to the age of the child on the 1st September of the year of entry. This policy is not normally negotiable, however, in exceptional circumstances a child may, at the discretion of the head teacher, be placed in a class different to that determined by age. This may be because the child joins the school from a different educational system and may have missed some schooling, or it may be the case that a child with a low standard of English is initially placed in a lower class.

​In all cases the needs of each child are considered carefully and the final decision regarding placement is made in his or her best educational interests.

The Sibling Rule

​Children move up the list in strict order, as places become available, however a priority is given to families who already have children in the school (brothers or sisters to the child waiting). This is known as the “sibling rule”.

Waiting Lists

Children are placed on a waiting list if there is no space available at the time of registration, i.e. deposit of completed enrolment forms, secures the place on the list.

Reception 1

​Children who are 3 years of age by September 1st of the year of entry.

N.B. Children may enrol in R1 during the academic year, upon attaining the age of 3, however, transfer to Reception 2 class will only take place automatically if the child is 4 years old by the 1st of September of the appropriate academic year.

The school reserves the right to transfer a child from R1 to R2 if the child's fourth birthday falls within the first half term of the new academic year, but this is at the school's discretion.

Children who have fourth birthdays during or after the October half term holiday must remain in R1 until the following September, whereupon they move into R2.  This policy ensures that your child is in the right class for his/her age.

Year Groups and Ages