

“If you are lucky enough to have lived in Paris as a young man,

then wherever you go for the rest of your life it stays with you,

for Paris is a moveable feast.”  Ernest Hemingway

Head of Secondary -  Mr Nicholas May

The Secondary Section is composed of 5 classes (Year 7 – Year 11), catering for approximately 100 students.

Our growing team of staff ensure all students succeed in the secondary section. We hope to create an engaging and inclusive learning environment that allows all students to not only leave with IGCSEs but to also be prepared for life after school and to ensure their future studies and professional lives are successful.

We have had some fantastic results from students that reflect the hard work of all our students and staff.

Staff Tutors

Year 7 Tutor: Mrs Dredge

Year 8 Tutor: Ms Ainscough

Year 9 Tutor: Ms Etheredge

Year 10 Tutor: Mr Schreiber & Ms Brown

Year 11 Tutor: Mr Victor

House Leaders

Fregate: Mr Champion

Desroches: Ms Cooper

Aldabra: Mr Curtis


English: Ms Ainscough & Mrs Brown

Mathematics: Ms Etheredge & Mrs Dredge

Science: Mr Curtis & Mr Champion

Computer Science and ICT: Mr May

French: Mr Victor

History: Mr Dredge

Geography: Mr Schreiber

Business Management: Mr Victor & Ms Dione

Travel & Tourism: Mr May & Mr Schreiber

Art: Ms Mirfin

Physical Education: Mr Davidson

Sociology: Ms Brown

Support: Ms. Cooper

The School Day

Secondary students are expected to arrive promptly to tutor time and all lessons each day. If for any reason a student arrives late to school or leaves early during the day they should sign in/out at the office. A student should never leave school without a valid reason/note from home, they should speak to either their tutor or an adult in school before signing out.

Mobile phone use is not permitted by students on school grounds. Mobile phones must be switched off and placed in bags. If this rule is broken, the phone will be confiscated.

Uniform and Physical Education Kit

Secondary uniform consists of blue shorts/skirt and a white polo-shirt, all of which can be purchased from the front office during office hours. The length of the skirt/shorts needs to reach the students fingers when arms are placed by their sides. No denim.

Students should to come to school dressed in their uniform and are expected to keep their uniform clean and presentable.

Appropriate footwear must be worn throughout the day PE kit (house team shirt) can also be purchased from the front office. All students should wear trainers, sports shorts and PE shirts for all PE lessons. They are then expected to change back into their regular uniform for the remainder of the day. We have shower facilities available.


We are pleased to be able to offer a variety of clubs to secondary students this term.

Click the link to see the Clubs Timetable.


In the secondary section and sixth form, students can accessorise their uniforms with a necklace (if worn under their T shirt) and a bracelet (this must be within reason and not be a safety risk or interfere with learning. Jewellery must be removed for PE). Discrete, light make up is allowed. False nails are not permitted.

Hair colour and style must be appropriate for school.

House Sports Challenge

We have  Friday House Sports Challenges!

The challenges see students competing for their house in the 'sport of the week'. Challenges will include table tennis, basketball, football and volleyball to name a few. They are greatly enjoyed by students both participating and spectating.

“I enjoy talking to you. Your mind appeals to me.

It resembles my own mind except that you happen to be insane.” George Orwell

Long Term Curriculum Planning

Click to view the subject planner:





Physical Education


Computer Science


Business Management

Amazing Students

More Photos

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Useful Resources
